
Employment Equity is recognised as integral components of organisational transformation, the success of which largely depends upon a receptive organisational culture.
In attempting to achieve this transformation it must be understood that the process is a holistic one that, together with target setting and related Affirmative Action strategies.
To achieve this aim, visionary leadership is required to ensure guardianship of this ambition. Customised programmes in line with this commitment will be developed at all organisational levels and disseminated to all employees through formal established structures. It is a stated intent that no discriminating practices and procedures shall be tolerated within the Company.

Equity BEE

Within our HDI (Historically Disadvantaged Individual) strategy, we regard 2nd generation empowerment as being the fast tracking of suitably qualified young HDI’s (24 – 35yrs) into senior and executive management positions within the organisation. Through a skills transfer mentorship programme, we would equip these individuals with the appropriate skills and experience that will enable them to take up ownership and control positions in the medium term.
The company recognises that while there are certain suitable candidates for this programme currently employed within the organization , there is, as a result of previously short-sighted employment practices, a lack of suitable candidates from certain demographic groupings within the organisation: specifically black females, and disabled persons

Ownership BEE

For the purposes of our BEE strategy, 1st generation empowerment relates specifically to the current shareholding and control structures of the company. In this regard GA-Air is 100% African owned.
In the achievement of our 1st generation empowerment objectives, GA-Air’s proposal is to undergo an Empowerment lead Management. This resulted in a proposal of 75% majority shareholding of the Company to be acquired by Mr Bongani Gambu. The balance of 25% of the shares in the company will be shared amongst its employees.

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